Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14th 2012

I love you Jesus. You are my God. I will serve only you. You are the only one true God. You are sovereign and reign and there is no other like you. Thank you for your grace and mercy towards me. Thank you for your thoughts towards me; they outnumber the sand on the seashore. You are so lovely and beautiful. Thank you for being my God. Thank you for your provision, protection and my health. Thank you for my family. Give me grace as I grow to love my wife and kids more. Keep me humble, keep me steady. Lord I want to be faithful. I want to be a man you can trust and count on. Lord, like Solomon's prayer; I am a little child and I don't know how to come out or go in. I need wisdom and discernment to judge between good and evil. More than riches, long life, or honor Lord I want discernment of people's hearts, intentions, and spiritual discernment. Open my eyes up to the truth and give me discernment like no other. Lord I feel like I am on an island as I have obeyed Holy Spirit and stood up to evil spirits. I feel attacked, intimidated, and sometimes dominated. Lord, please be my defense. Vindicate me O God. Lord I want to do nothing out of pride or selfish ambition. I am not looking for fame, ego strokes or honor, but I am looking to be obedient to you and what you are asking of me. My spirit is grieved that the church has allowed jezebel spirits into their midst and leadership has not stood up against it. Lord, you know I can only do so much without the support of senior leadership but know God that I am doing everything I can. Please Lord open up Pastor's eyes to the spiritual warfare that he needs to engage in. Please Lord let him see that this is more than just normal church riffs but their are spiritual attacks and movements that are working in his church that are killing the church. Give him a boldness, a strength to stand up and oust these spirits. Lord, I will stand against this spirit in me, my family, and any ministry you ask me to lead. I will not be governed or ruled by any Jezebel or any other evil spirit for that matter. You are my God and I will have no other. Continue Lord to be a defense and sheild for my family. Protect them and let no harm come to them. Continue to help me speak when needed, but remain silent when I know my words will be like pearls thrown to swine. Lord, these next few weeks are going to be hard. I want to be strong and continue my strong fight and stance, but I also want to be humble and have a meek and lowly spirit. I will fight for justice and will not waver. Expose the lies and bring those who are lying to justice. Reveal the true hearts of the oppresor and accuser. Help me to hear your voice continually so I may obey it and walk in it. Help our family to be strong and pursue righteousness and holiness. Give me more insight into the situation and the spiritual battle and the spirits I am fighting against. I love you Jesus so much and look upon me and guide me during this difficult time.

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