Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 17th, 2012

Lord, I am so thankful to you. Thank you so much for bringing me to ihop for this season. I love your presence. I love hearing your voice and getting close to your heart. Father, I want my life all to be for your glory. I want you to have the first place, you to have preeminence. Lord wherever you are taking me I will go and obey you. Teach me the deep nuggets and pearls of your word. Speak to me lord. Unveil your heart, your love, your feelings towards me. Give me visions in the day and dreams at night. Like Elisha lord I want a double portion of your spirit. Like you transferred your spirit from Elijah to Elisha will you transfer your spirit in me. Help my weak love. Love through me so I can love you more, my wife more and my kids and even random people that I don't know well. Will you bring a trusted friend that I can be accountable with and real with. Someone I can open my heart too without being afraid of betrayal or mistrust. Give me grace to fast more. Teach me discipline and to run my days with commitment and excellence. I want to walk in love with all my kids. Give me compassion and patience with them. I ask for wisdom and godly counsel when talking with my wife and kids. I want. To be the man, the leader you want and need. Me to be. Let the holy spirit be strong in our home, in our family. Release a hunger in me for your word, your worship and your heart. Bring up in my heart any scum, garbage, or sin that I am unaware with and give me the grace to deal with it and destroy it. Make me perfect and holy like you are holy and perfect. I love you Jesus. Thank you for your grace and patience wit me

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